What’s In A Name?

In October of 2020 while on my annual vision quest, I participated in a guided meditation. During the meditation I was guided to a doorway. The guide said that the doorway has our name above it.

On that doorway I saw the name Ehzeekial. It was not clear during the meditation what that meant. It just appeared in place where I would have expected to see my given name.

After completing the meditation, I did some research. I discovered three things:

  1. The spelling I saw was not a historical spelling
  2. The historical figure from the bible was not someone I was familiar with nor especially drawn to
  3. The name held no personal significance from my past

I decided to gain external perspective to see what I could discover about the name.

  • I had a spiritual reading done by a friend and during that reading I was told that the name was for me to “try on” and had no more significance than that.
  • My oldest child went through a name change some years back and so I asked them about their experience. They told me about their connection between name and identity. This gave me a perspective on the power of a name change.

That got me thinking about identity and how I perceive myself. Was the name’s appearance simply an inner desire to change how I define myself? Was it an awakening to a new level of consciousness to who I really am?

Since life is just a grand experiment to me, I decided, why not? And I’m trying it on.

Using a different name is not a practice I take lightly. And I would advice that anyone considering a name change take it a serious process, which I believe people do.

Since that time, my new name has slowly been gaining its own meaning. Through the use of a new name I’m getting clarity about how I hold myself back based on my beliefs about me. I’m seeing old grudges framed as “beliefs about how the world is.”

I am finding the name a difficult thing to use. When I use the name Ehzeekial to refer to myself I’m almost unmoored by it. Who is Ehzeekial? Who am I? So I take this in small doses and when I’m feeling most grounded.

I have come to one understanding through all of my searching. Along this life path I am willing to discard the parts of my personal definition that do not serve me. To identify my unconscious habitual beliefs and life patterns that do not serve me. I am willing to embrace many methods to discern what about my thinking and beliefs does not serve me.

This name thing is becoming quickly one of the most powerful tools I have found for personal transformation. I will try to keep you all in the loop as I continue with the name change and use it as a mechanism to reveal my true self and release the sense of inner joy and external prosperity that I desire.

Do you have a nickname or virtual identity that you use? Please post your experience with a name change with a comment or a link to a blog post of your own on the subject.

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